Come back mixers, all is forgiven

Good afternoon

In their infinite wisdom, my local Sainsbury’s supermarket has moved the mixers (tonic, soda water etc) AWAY from the spirits aisle and put in several bays of squash instead. Essentially, moving complementary products apart and merchandising something irrelevant with spirits instead.

We asked members of KAMunity how important it was that complementary products are merchandised near each other. 69% of them told us that it was ‘very’ or ‘quite’ important.

But where this insight gets interesting is when we ask what shoppers would do if they couldn’t find an item.

47% said, sensibly, that they would ask a member of staff
13% would walk the entire store until they found it (!)
15% said they would purchase elsewhere
10% would buy another time
8% said they would buy an alternative and, worryingly, 7% would give up entirely.

If you’d like us to ask our online community the same question for your specific category or product FREE OF CHARGE, just reply to this email and I’ll have results across to you next week!

A long-awaited family night in tonight before an early start to drop the youngest off for his DofE weekend. Tomorrow I’m down in deepest darkest Kent at a community-owned pub checking out a new band with my Dad, then on Sunday I plan to walk into town and have a wander around the Cinema Museum before dinner with friends.

I hope you’ve all got something exciting planned, enjoy the weekend,


Follow me on Twitter @katykammedia


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