KAMera- An eye on the Ontrade 124

Morning all,

How important are drinks menus to pub & bar customers?

Now, living in a trendy part of South London as I do, I, once in a while, find myself hanging out in Hipster-ville. A recent bar visit will be forever etched in my mind for the following conversation;

Me “Hi, can I have your wine list please?”
Bearded guy inexplicably dressed like Dennis the Menace- “Oh we don’t ‘DO’ menus”
Me- “So how do I know what I want?”
BGIDLDTM- “Tell me your mood and I’ll recommend something”
Me- “Irritated… whatcha’ got?”

I thought, maybe, the drinks menu is dead, so I took a few questions to KAMunity, our online community of pub and bar goers.

Firstly I asked them how important it was that drinks lists were available on tables/at the bar- a split vote told me that  28% think that it’s VERY important, 36% said SOMEWHAT and 36% said NOT AT ALL important.

Then I asked them whether, where drinks menus ARE available, would they like the menus to include drinks and food pairings; another split result, with the majority (53% stating that this isn’t at all important, 23% telling us that it’s SOMEWHAT important and food and drink pairings on menus are VERY important to just 24%.

Please feel free to share any great examples of drinks menus and/or food matching, I know there’s some exciting stuff going on out there.

Tonight I’m having drinks and dinner with family down in Surrey before heading back to the Big Smoke to try out Lewisham’s food market tomorrow (rumour has it that my favourite hot sauce “Dalston Chillies” is available there!) and then on Sunday I’ll be packing for our family trip to Iceland- any recommendations for what to do there would be very welcome- I left Mr Katy in charge of this one, and, consequently, we have 4 days there and not a single thing planned or booked…

Have a good one!


Follow me on Twitter @katykammedia


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