KAMera- An eye on the Ontrade 127

Hello and welcome

It was lovely to see so many of you at the Great British Pub Awards last night; those who were there will agree that there are so many reasons to celebrate our industry and many who deserve to be rewarded for their hard work within it.

I remember reading, a few years ago, that a decent local pub can help to lift the sale price of residential property. But just how important is the Great British Pub to property purchasers?

I asked the members of KAMunity, our online community of pub/bar goers, when looking to move house, how important it was that there was a good pub within walking distance.

Results are below. I definitely fall into the VERY.

If you’d like to know how KAMunity can benefit YOUR business, just reply to this email!

Tonight I’ll be down in Surrey punting along the river with friends who have recently moved down to Shepparton. Tomorrow I’ll be waving goodbye to my oldest friend who is taking her family on the adventure of a lifetime and moving to the US for 3 years, there may be a few tears.

Then on Sunday I’m helping Mr Katy start the long and arduous process of ripping up the carpet in our house and sanding the floors. It’s all glamour my life, I tell you!

Enjoy your weekend


Follow me on Twitter @katykammedia


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