KAMera- An eye on the Ontrade 129

Good morning and welcome

Sometimes it’s not easy to come up with the topic for our weekly posts, so I really appreciate it when readers email in with questions and areas that we can focus on.

This week, thanks goes out to David (you know who you are!), who wanted to understand if people reserving tables in pubs/bars was just his own particular annoyance or if other customers would also prefer for it not to be allowed.

Sorry David, looks like this time you’re in the minority; but 37% is not to be ignored and pubs/bars that DO allow bookings need to ensure there’s a healthy amount of available tables for walk-ins too.

I have spent the last week on a Greek Island with Mr Katy and today is our last day so tonight will consist of a Greek Salad (7 so far and counting), some beautiful seafood and some not so beautiful Greek wine (we really are in the middle of nowhere and that’s all that is available!)

I’ll be home late on Saturday and will spend Sunday frantically trying to empty my inbox in preparation for a busy week’s work next week

Have a lovely weekend all,


Follow me on Twitter @katykammedia


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