KAMera- An eye on the Ontrade 130

‘Afternoon all,

I often get asked about social media and the effect that it has on pub/bar customers. If I had a pound for every time I’d been asked “who does it best”, I wouldn’t have to write these emails each week.

In my opinion, one pub to watch is The Old Nun’s Head (happens to be my local!)-


They post with just the right frequency & their posts are generally one of two things- entertaining or informative.

I asked the members of KAMunity whether they followed their local pub/bar on social media- 28% said that they did- and for the sites that they’re engaging on, have a look at the chart below; it seems Facebook still reigns supreme (this shifts somewhat when we look at the younger consumer though).

Please feel free to point me in the direction of any great ontrade social media sites.

Speaking of great “sites”, have you looked HERE yet? If AirB&B can be the worlds biggest hotelier, but have no hotels and Uber can be the worlds biggest taxi company without any taxis, why can’t there be a similar platform for brewing? BrewBroker is an online marketplace for the brewing industry- it will enable any business or individual to buy and sell brewing services, whether they’re a budding brewer experimenting with their first batch or an established brewery struggling to scale-up production- take a look- I think its a very interesting proposition and if you invest now, there’s an opportunity to be part of the brewing revolution!

A family night in after a busy week beckons tonight, tomorrow I might summon up the courage to go to the cinema to see “IT”, a film that has terrified me ever since I watched it at a friend’s sleepover when I was 12. The phrase “everything floats down here” brings a full on anxiety attack.

Then on Sunday, after waving Mr Katy off at the airport, I’m heading out for a sorrow-drowning lunch in Clapham with the girls- any restaurant/pub/bar recommendations, as usual, are welcome!


Follow me on Twitter @katykammedia


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