How do you measure up?

Afternoon all,

On a recent visit to trendy Brick Lane, my wine was measured out (generously) by Louise in the picture below, with…a wooden spoon. A nice bit of (simple) in-venue theatre.

Now, remember the campaign by the City of London to make sure that Londoners weren’t being “ripped off” with the measures of their pints? Well, I wanted to find out just how important getting an exact measure in pub/bar was to specific category drinkers, so we took the question to KAMunity;

For wine drinkers, 69% said it was either very or somewhat important (15% didn’t care)
For beer drinkers, again, 69% said it was very important/somewhat important (9% didn’t care)
And spirits drinkers? A whopping 82% said very/somewhat important (and only 5% said it didn’t matter.)

But, most importantly, what would these customers do if their drink measure DID come up short? Would they stay but ask for a top up? Would they keep quiet but not go back? Would they harbour a simmering resentment until the end of time? Drop me an email for the full results- free of charge!

With Mr Katy now away on tour, I’m filling my weekends with visits to see friends, starting with a night out in London tonight, a trip to Warwick tomorrow and then a long lazy lunch in Shepperton on the Surrey/Middlesex boarders on Sunday.

Have a lovely weekend all- and please, keep your pictures of in-store innovation, your comments and your opinions coming!


Follow me on Twitter @katykammedia


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