Half the portion but not half the flavour

Good morning,

We’ve been looking at footfall-driving initiatives with one of our Pub Co clients this week.

Aside from the obvious; making the most out of sporting events (look out for our World Cup special blog next week!), special discounted offers on drinks and food etc, we looked at what the members of KAMunity thought would convince them to visit their local more often.

When it came to food, one particular idea stood out as a favourite

Whilst in Spain recently, I noticed that a bar I was in offered ALL it’s main courses as “half portions”. We asked our panel whether they would be more likely to eat out in a pub/bar/rstaurant if half portions were available on the majority of the menu. 59% said they would be, proving that half portions almost certainly DON’T cannibalise a full portion menu, but, instead, encourage new customers to eat where they might not have done previously. This idea was especially attractive to Millennials, who have “health and wellness” higher up the agenda than other customers and favour smaller portions when eating out.

****Coming next week; Our very own World Cup Bonanza blog- please feel free to send in; pictures of venues “doing” it well, ideas for football-related footfall drivers, World Cup specific promotions/offers from pubs AND suppliers***

As my birthday always falls over the bank holiday weekend (26th in case anyone wants to send greetings and/or expensive gifts), and so many people go away, I’m throwing a “British” themed BBQ tomorrow to celebrate a week early instead.

As I’ve just totted up the number of guests and appear to have reached 50+, tonight will be spent frantically making salads and putting cheese and pineapple on sticks in preparation. I don’t think that there are any prizes for guessing that Sunday is reserved for clearing up and “getting better”.

Have a fabulous weekend, enjoy the Royal Wedding/FA Cup/present shopping for me!


Follow me on Twitter @katykammedia


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