Quizzy rascals and a cheerleader

Good afternoon,

I live in a house with three males, so the World Cup is something I’m starting to hear a lot about. A LOT.

We all know that big football games draw customers into pubs and bars (last weekend being a case in point), but what are pub/bar-goers plans for June’s football World Cup?

We asked 1000 customers whether they planned to watch any of the World Cup games in a pub/bar. 30% said they did- and, importantly, 29% said that they planned to visit a pub/bar over that period more than they usually did.

I’ve seen some ingenious supplier promotions ready to help pull customers across pub/bar thresholds, and some innovative ideas to be actioned by venues too- it’s great to see the industry moving away from a straight discount programme (and not relying on a standard sweepstake either!). My favourites have included-

  • Targeted theme nights- including match-specific food and drink and fancy dress
  • Music nights involving customers writing their own team theme tunes
  • Country specific dance/language lessons to be held on premise in the day prior to matches to encourage earlier visits/longer dwell-time
  • Alternative sweepstakes- lowest point-scoring team, first team to get a red card, fan behaviour etc
  • Quick quizzes at half time with food/drinks as prizes
  • For family-orientated pubs- face-painting and flag quizzes
  • Discounted pints whilst England is ahead in any game they are playing (!)

And one, particularly “involved” pub who told me that they had arranged for CHEERLEADERS to be present for the big games. Should go down well with the female customers…

What ideas/innovations have you seen around this massive event? Please let me know- best one wins some free research through our pub/bar customer panel!

Tonight I’m down in Surrey seeing some friends for dinner, before a “bottomless brunch” at Sea Containers House in London tomorrow (my birthday and favourite day of the year!), followed by an evening train to Manchester for the Neighbourhood Weekender Sunday with Mr Katy.

A lift back on the tour bus will get us home just in time for a few hours sleep before a final birthday lunch with my Godmother on Monday.

I hope you all have an excellent long Bank Holiday weekend and that the sun shines wherever you are!


Follow me on Twitter @katykammedia


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