KAMera- Eye on Convenience 73

Good morning

On Monday, Amazon announced the beginning of what many are calling the future of retail. Amazon Go, a grocery store with no checkout process where shoppers simply take what they want off the shelves and exit through a tech-enabled door that scans what the person has taken with them and then charges their Amazon account afterwards. There are no cashiers, no queues, no frustrations. Currently the plan is to create Amazon-branded convenience stores under the Amazon Go umbrella; products at present are all convenience-led; bread, milk, food to go, soft drinks, confectionery etc.

Presently only open in Amazon’s home city of Seattle, Amazon plan to roll out the concept after a successful trial. Will we be seeing this revolution in retail in the UK any time soon?

Well, if we do, it may get a mixed response, when we asked the members of KAMunity, our online community of convenience store shoppers whether they liked the idea, 54% said they did and would be happy to use the store, 46% weren’t impressed. You might not be surprised to know that women were less likely to want to use the store; and that Millennials thought it was a top idea!


Tonight I’m out in Soho (at a restaurant that has a button on your table to order more champagne, what could possibly go wrong!?) with some friends for a pre-Christmas dinner; any new, exciting bar recommendations in the area for after would be very welcome. Tomorrow I’m braving the shops to source some furniture for my new office, and spending Saturday night in recovering from Friday night. Sunday is the standard family day, lunch with the kids and then a bit of David Attenborough; how awesome is the new Planet Earth series?

PS- The RHCP’s were AMAZING on Tuesday at The O2; and I got tickets to Guns & Roses for next year, so all in all, a pretty good week!

Please keep sending pictures and info about what’s going on out there in the industry!


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