The new normal for retail

What is the ‘new normal’ for food and grocery retail? Last week, Foreign Secretary Dominic Raab stated that the UK must find a ‘new normal’ to ease lockdown. Ultimately meaning…

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The post-corona consumer

“When all this is over”, an overused phrase if ever there was one, what can we expect from the post-corona consumer? At first we’re likely to experience a period of…

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Message from KAM

A message to our clients and friends in hospitality We are thinking of each and everyone of you during this devastating time. Our hearts go out to hospitality employers and…

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Corona and Hospitality

Well, where to start? The hospitality industry is in dire straits – you don’t need me to tell you that. I’ve spent the last five days on countless calls with…

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Alcohol-free drinking

Alcohol-free drinking occasions are on the rise In celebration of the launch of our low and no research report, we’ve spoken to a number of industry experts to gain different…

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