Masks in hospitality

Masks are rising on customers’ agenda Overall customer confidence in health and hygiene remains strong within hospitality, with little change since re-opening weekend- 95% of those who visited a hospitality…

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Customer sentiment in hospitality

New customer sentiment tracker starts strong We’re delighted to have joined forces with guest feedback platform, Feed it Back to offer hospitality operators easy access to customer sentiment KPI’s in these…

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Hospitality re-opens

Hospitality re-opens to mixed feelings “Super Saturday” has now been and gone. The hospitality industry is reflecting on how the “big re-opening” has played out. An impressive 28% of UK…

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Return of the pub

Return of the Pub – What to expect when pubs re-open. KAM’s brand-new research study – Return of the Pub – is designed to understand the future behaviours and attitudes…

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Message from KAM

A message to our clients and friends in hospitality We are thinking of each and everyone of you during this devastating time. Our hearts go out to hospitality employers and…

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