Alcohol-free drinking

Alcohol-free drinking occasions are on the rise In celebration of the launch of our low and no research report, we’ve spoken to a number of industry experts to gain different…

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Low and no research

1-in-4 pub visits are non-alcoholic, according to new customer research According to our brand new low and no customer research, 25% of pubs visits now don’t include alcohol. With the predicted…

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Ninth Life

A pub experience at the Ninth Life in Catford is the cat’s whiskers. Katy Moses, Managing Director I had the pleasure of visiting Ninth Life in Catford this week, on…

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Value of customer insight

Realising the true value of customer insight. Why knowing your customers is more important than them being right or wrong. Blake Gladman, Strategy & Insight Director It’s never been a…

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Alcohol free pub

Pub customers drunk on virtue. Alcohol-free pub pop-up, Clean Vic, by Sainsbury’s, pulls in the crowds. Katy Moses, MD & Founder This week I paid a visit to the Clean…

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Drinks Trade Regatta

Last weekend I had the pleasure of spending 3 days and nights with the great and good of the industry at the Drinks Trade Regatta. Now, yacht racing wasn’t exactly…

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