Getting back to the office

It’s been almost 5 months since the UK lockdown was announced. Since then many retail and hospitality businesses have closed and re-opened and staff have returned to their place of…

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Return of the pub

Return of the Pub – What to expect when pubs re-open. KAM’s brand-new research study – Return of the Pub – is designed to understand the future behaviours and attitudes…

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Pubs support communities

Pubs continue to support their communities during lockdown As the nation’s pub lockdown ends its second week, pubs across the country continue to step up to help their local communities.…

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Corona and Hospitality

Well, where to start? The hospitality industry is in dire straits – you don’t need me to tell you that. I’ve spent the last five days on countless calls with…

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Alcohol-free drinking

Alcohol-free drinking occasions are on the rise In celebration of the launch of our low and no research report, we’ve spoken to a number of industry experts to gain different…

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