Hospitality in lockdown

Two-thirds of hospitality businesses say they will not survive another three months of lockdown KAM has found that two thirds of hospitality companies believe they will not survive a prolonged…

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Corona and Hospitality

Well, where to start? The hospitality industry is in dire straits – you don’t need me to tell you that. I’ve spent the last five days on countless calls with…

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Alcohol-free drinking

Alcohol-free drinking occasions are on the rise In celebration of the launch of our low and no research report, we’ve spoken to a number of industry experts to gain different…

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Alcohol free spirits

Low and No alcohol – the brand perspective As part of our focus on low and no, we’re sharing a series of interviews with industry experts giving a different perspective…

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Low and no research

1-in-4 pub visits are non-alcoholic, according to new customer research According to our brand new low and no customer research, 25% of pubs visits now don’t include alcohol. With the predicted…

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