TV sports in pubs and bars

On Wednesday night I was forced to watch what I was told would be “an amazing football match”- Chelsea V Arsenal in the Europa League Final. After what seemed like an…

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Happy birthday to me?

It’s my birthday this weekend (feel free to send expensive gifts) and I’ve had a terrible experience trying to book a table for 9 people for lunch. Happy birthday to…

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Drinks Trade Regatta

Last weekend I had the pleasure of spending 3 days and nights with the great and good of the industry at the Drinks Trade Regatta. Now, yacht racing wasn’t exactly…

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Alcohol Free Beer

“Nothing ever tasted better than a cold alcohol free beer on a beautiful afternoon with nothing to look forward to than more of the same.” Blake Gladman, Strategy & Insight…

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Shopping experiences

How can we create shopping experiences that will tap into and serve our human needs? It’s those that can deliver across each of the stages of human needs who will…

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