Licensees have their say

Pub companies get a thumbs up from licensees Licensees across 19 leading pub companies and family brewers have given a thumbs up to the support they have received from their…

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Re-opening hospitality – again

Well, who would’ve thought that “Christmas” would become only the THIRD most contentious ‘C-word’ in 2020? But here we are, preparing for re-opening hospitality, again. Here’s the bad news… For…

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Introducing pub desks

10am could be the new 10pm in hospitality, with pub desks It won’t have escaped anyone’s attention that the new 10pm curfew has come as another huge blow for the…

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Hospitality industry NPS

NPS bounces back after EOTHO The hospitality industry NPS (net promoter score) has bounced back to record levels following the end of the ‘Eat Out To Help Out’ scheme. This…

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