10pm hospitality curfew

UK public are not convinced hospitality curfew will make a difference A snap poll carried out by KAM Media identified that a significant proportion of the English public remain unconvinced…

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Retaining new customers

No1 priority for convenience retail: retaining new customers There is no shortage of predictions, advice, insights about what the ‘new normal’ or ‘life post lockdown’ might look like. At KAM…

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The new normal for retail

What is the ‘new normal’ for food and grocery retail? Last week, Foreign Secretary Dominic Raab stated that the UK must find a ‘new normal’ to ease lockdown. Ultimately meaning…

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Convenience post lockdown

Massive price war predicted for convenience retail post-lockdown Convenience retail consultant, Scott Annan, founder of the Independent Retailer Owners Forum, has made several eye-opening predictions, in an interview with KAM…

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