Come back mixers, all is forgiven

Good afternoon In their infinite wisdom, my local Sainsbury’s supermarket has moved the mixers (tonic, soda water etc) AWAY from the spirits aisle and put in several bays of squash instead. Essentially,…

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A bottle for every occasion

Good morning, and happy Bank Holiday Friday! One final Stateside instalment from me; The Drinks Business, this week, remarked on the increase in half bottles of wine being sold in…

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In NYC innovation is king

Good morning and welcome Y’all, As you receive this email I will be coming in to land at Heathrow following a fantastic study tour of New York, hosted by Propel and…

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Empowering the shopper

Good morning and welcome Y’all, As you receive this email I will be coming in to land at Heathrow following a fantastic study tour of New York, hosted by Propel and…

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